Monday, April 5, 2021

operators in python

""" Created on Mon Apr 5 21:18:07 2021 @author: Onyx1 #class-3-05-04-2021 #addition a=10 b=20 print(a+b) #substraction print(b-a) print(a-b) #multiplication print(a*b) #division print(a/b) #floor division print(a//b) #power print(a**b) #python 2.x print("anl") #operators #arthimatic operation #assignment operators #logical operators #conditional #identify #membership #bitwise #arthimatic operation # +,-,*,/,%,//,**---> operators #assignment operators a=10 b=20 a=a+b b=b-a a=a*b print(a) b=30+50 print("b-",b) a=20 b=10 a=a/b print(a) a=20 b=10 a=a//b print(a) a=20 b=10 a=a**b print(a) #logical operators #& | ! #and a=4#0100 b=2#0010 a = a & b print(a) a=10#1010 b=8#1000 a = a & b print(a) a=4 #0100 b=2 #0010 harish=a|b #0110--6 print(harish) #not....not available a=2 #0010 a!=3 #0011 print(a) #conditional operator a=5 a==5 #5==5 if (a==5): print("this is harish") a>5 #comparison greater than a<4 #comparison less than a<=5 #less than or equal to a>=10 # greater than or equal to a!=10 #not equal to #identify #is #is not #is if two values true then return True same object #is not if two value not True then return False same object x=["rose","lilli"] b=["rose","lilli"] a=x #print(a,x) #print(id(a),id(x)) #print(b,id(b)) print(x is a) #true print(x is b) #False print(x is not b)#True print(x is not a)#false """ #membership #in #not in x=["rose","lilli"] print("rose" in x) #if member exist ---true print("chicken" not in x ) #not exist ---true print("lilli" not in x ) #false

python class topic video