Friday, February 27, 2015

c language interview question 6

Accept three numbers from user and find maximum number.
a. Using if..else if ladder
b. Using logical operators
c. Using conditional operator

c language insterview questions 5

Write a program to display days in the given year. Check condition from leap year. A year is a leap
year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100, except that years divisible by 400 are leap years.
a. Without using logical operators
b. Using logical operators
c. Conditional operators

c language interview question 4

1.   Write a program to accept a integer value and display whether its odd or even number. (if – else)

c language interview question 3

1.   Write a program to accept two numbers and display division of  the two numbers. Check for divide by zero error. If divider is zero then display appropriate error message.(if – else)


please send the questions which you are facing problem in C Language.

also write interview questions which are you faced in during interview related to C Language.

so i can try to solve them and send you back.

c interview question 2

1.   Write a program to accept the integer value and print its table.
                                     i.        Solve above problem without using any loops method.
                                    ii.        Solve above problem with using loops method (for, do-while, while).

C language interview question

1.   Write a program to accept two number from user and
a.   Find its sum.
b.   Find its Difference.
c.   Find its product.
d.   Find its average.
                                         i.    Solve above problem without using any function method
                   ii.    Test the program using different Integral data type signed/unsigned, long, float, char etc.
                                       iii.    First test the result using small values, and then test the result using large value.
                                      iv.    Repeat the above all same process using function method.

python class topic video