Thursday, December 9, 2021

python interview questions of inventech solutions

 1.difference between list and tuple? string is mutable or not? to remove duplicates from the list

4.what is set in python?

5.what is the lambda function

6.numpy: how to fetch the 5 columns randomly from CSV files

7.How to Copy "A" table with 1 lakh column into empty table "B"

8.query for fetching highest salary employee details from employee table?


 1.difference between list and tuple?

ans: string is mutable or not?

ans: string are immutable. we can't add anything at runtime

3.what is the lambda function

ans:What is Lambda Function in Python? Lambda Function, also referred to as 'Anonymous function' is same as a regular python function but can be defined without a name. While normal functions are defined using the def keyword, anonymous functions are defined using the lambda keyword. to remove duplicates from the list?

5.what is set in python?

6.numpy: how to fetch the 5 columns randomly from CSV files

7.How to Copy "A" table with 1 lakh column into empty table "B"

8.query for fetching highest salary employee details from employee table?

python class topic video